Phase 3 Calendar

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Jump to the Final Self-Assessment Assignment Prompt

During our final phase, you will complete substantial revisions of your major assignments, articulate and analyze your learning process and gained knowledge, practice formal reflection writing and editing, and prepare your final portfolio.

Note: you should have access to all readings & all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.

Notes: “BB” stands for “Blackboard.” Work highlighted in blue CANNOT be late or made up.

Week & DateHomework Due (due BEFORE CLASS, unless other times stated)In-Class Goals
M 12/2
Complete & submit to BB Portfolio draft Synthesis Essay

Complete & submit to BB Portfolio draft Translation 2

Complete & submit to BB Self-Assessment 4 (Translation 2)
Translation Presentations

Intro Final Portfolio

How to write abstracts

In-class writing: abstracts
W 12/4 Complete & submit to BB drafts of abstracts for your L&L Narrative, Synthesis Essay, and Translation 2.

Be ready to have access in class to your Self-Assessments 1-5 Worksheet
Peer review

In-class writing: Learning Outcomes Self-Assessment

Intro Final Self-Assessment Essay

Journal Entry 13
M 12/9
Complete & submit to BB Self-Assessment 5 (course learning outcomes)

Complete & submit to BB Full draft Self-Assessment Essay.
Peer review

How to make a TOC in Word

How to make a PDF in Word

Homework Jump Start
W 12/11
Complete & submit to BB Final draft Self-Assessment Essay.Course Evaluations

In-Class Final

M 12/16
Review the instructor feedback you received for your Final Self-Assessment Essay (feedback due to you by today).NO CLASS, of course.
W 12/18
Revise your Self-Assessment essay based on your instructor’s feedback.

Submit to BB your Final Portfolio as a single PDF file (see prompt for requirements).
NO CLASS, of course.